Monday, April 15, 2013

A Sample of Companies Created and Run by TEDMED Front-Line Scholars. Check them out!

TickiT for Health: Smart communication technology for better youth healthcare.

Sense Health: A platform to help healthcare providers efficiently support their patients in between appointments.

Global Health Report Card: How does your university impact global health? 

00-O Benefit: Bringing solar-powered phone and internet systems to developing countries.

Rimidi Diabetes: A software start-up aiming to improve diabetes management through data analytics  decision support and patient engagement in their medical management.

NCDFREE: A social movement to make non-communicable diseases globally understood and start a wave of social and political change.

Mybestrx: A new way to find the best prices for the medications you need.

What do Richard Simmons, a Senior White House Advisor, and the President of the Rhode Island School of Design have in common?

They each have just 18 minutes to inspire, challenge and change the future of medicine. 
Just a few of the Speakers at TEDMED 2013 (click to enlarge):

(speakers photo courtesy of